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twitterTiming is Everything: How Can You Use Twitter Strategically?

Timing is Everything: How Can You Use Twitter Strategically?

Like all social media, Twitter has to be used strategically to be most effective. It is fast and it’s concise.  If you want your message to be seen, and shared, then tweeting it once is not enough.  The life of a tweet is short, under 20 minutes. The other thing to take into consideration is how Twitter works.

The Twitter Timeline Feature

In the interests of improving user quality, Twitter allows users to order the tweets they follow in order of those they are most likely to care about, as opposed to simply the most recent ones. These top tweets appear in reverse chronological order, followed by the remainder displayed as usual.

More than ever, using Twitter successfully as a strategic marketing tool requires building a loyal audience. Twitter believes that users of the new feature tend to retweet, and to tweet more.  This is why shareability of content is vital. But it is also crucial to get your audience’s attention, which is where repeat tweeting comes in.

Repetition and Content

If you’re reliant on Twitter’s standard chronology to get your tweets noticed you may want to think again. Whereas repeat tweets help address the issue of capturing your audience, you now have to take into account whether or not they will opt for the new algorithm preference.

Tweets may end up ranking higher depending on the level that their audience responds to them and interacts with them. Audience engagement is hugely important as interactions can also substantially extend a tweet’s lifespan.

Despite the limitations of the form, tweets are, like other content, dependent on engagement through the way they appeal to and intrigue an audience.

To use Twitter as a successful marketing tool, combine:

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Twitter – Are you abiding by the rules?

Twitter – Are you abiding by the rules?

twitter_bird_with_signSince the rise of Twitter, new rules have had to be ‘drawn up’ on etiquette and proper usage, especially when it comes to business.

It’s not just about what you post, but also how you present your business through this powerful social medium.

Behaviour has always been the most powerful element of communication, yet few people understand this in sufficient detail.

It is not just about who you interact with, but about HOW you interact with them.

You need to ensure that not only is your twitter account visible, but that your own personality and behaviour is carefully managed.

This is vital nowadays as so many people can now see the way you interact with others via social media and well-used internet business forums like Linkedin.

It is so important how you are perceived by your chosen audience.

Twitter is a valuable place to communicate with others and if you are clever, to search for a find your target audience.

But there is a certain code of behaviour on twitter that it would be prudent to follow.

Especially if you want to win friends and influence people. The title of a book I read some 30 years ago, I seem to remember.

Your tweets or conversations should feel more personal, than the comments that you might post on your Linkedin profile.

This is much more effective and acceptable than pushing out a post that seems more like a marketing message.

I always used to say ‘Treat twitter as if you are at a cocktail party’ – By that I mean: introduce yourself, start a conversation with an engaging question and get to know a little about the people you meet.

If you stick to this principle, you won’t go far wrong.

Want to Become a Twitter Expert – Here are some tips to help you

  • Follow your customers,  your suppliers and your competitors’ followers
  • Find prominent people in your sector and connect them to your network
  • Decide carefully who to follow and don’t automatically follow everyone who follows you
  • Use keywords to search with search.twitter.com and find valuable and active connections.
  • Once you identify the right people, look at whom they are following and who is following them as your potential pool of people you can tap into.
  • Update your profile picture and twitter background to show your brand
  • Explain to people how you help them
  • Twitter is so much more than a sales marketing tool – it’s also good for recruitment – follow and engage with your next potential key salesman.

Success with Twitter is all about making sure your conversations are ‘engaging’, focused on others and not focused on you.

This open approach will help to engage with your followers and will eventually help them feel more integrated with you and your business.

David Lomas
08450 519374

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